What's available this weekend

rue, black lovage, black cherry tomatoes

Hi! I'm Jo, writing from Heart & Soil homestead, a 1-acre homestead in the Far South of Cape Town, South Africa. Every week I share inspiration and education for your growing journey. Thanks so much for reading!

On Fridays I share what's happening this weekend on the homestead, and highlight items available at our nursery. Our nursery focuses on edible and medicinal plants, and we want to keep deepening our local knowledge.

Three-cornered garlic. We also have rue, black lovage and feverfew, as new medicinal and edible perennials

You can save space and increase yields by planting lettuce and rocket and other quick crops in between you main summer seedlings (tomatoes, eggplant/brinjal, peppers, zucchini etc.) You’ll harvest them before the summer veg gets big.

We'll have whole wheat sourdough available to order for Saturday and Sunday mid morning collection. Please consider reserving our sourdough ahead of time via our shop, to prevent waste.

Our black soldier fly larvae (BSF) sustainable protein project is growing strong. Please help spread the word so we can be more sustainable with regular orders. Feeding chickens Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae for protein can make chicken eggs truly local and sustainable. These BSF are fed on organic waste from right here in the valley.

Free Q&A/community time Sunday, 9am-1pm, We'll set up a picnic table in the driveway and I'll be available if you have questions about medicinal and edible, food forests, veg gardening. You can bring pics on your phone if you need help figuring out a particular corner. You're the specialist of your own space, but sometimes an extra set of eyes and ears can help.

Check out our medicinal and edible perennials list at our shop! We’ve added new, unusual plants. We’re leaning into our unique capacity to grow unusual plants, as a tiny operation. We also have heirloom black cherry tomato seedlings available this weekend.

beautiful bromeliads are starting to flower. A wonderful living gift.

Upcoming Workshops (revised dates)

Raising quail and ducks TOMORROW 31 August, 10-11:30 R200 Just as annuals, shrubs and trees all add resilience by harvesting light in different ways, different types of animals add different layers of resilience to a space, because they each have slightly different needs and contributions. And unique personalities, which adds richness to our lives.

Raising Dairy Goats 14 Sept 10-11:30 R200

Nettle workshop 21 Sept 10-11:30 R200

Cheesemaking Basics 29 Sept 10-11:30 R200

Summer growing part 2 3 Nov 10-11:30 R250


or to participate.