Planning your growing

Some ideas for planning

Hi! I'm Jo, writing from Heart & Soil homestead, a 1-acre homestead in the Far South of Cape Town, South Africa. Every week I share inspiration and education for your growing journey. Thanks so much for reading!

Welcome to Growing Mondays, where I share ideas to help you grow edible and medicinal plants.

Growth is the only evidence of life.

John Henry Newman

Laying out some seeds…

Part 1: Planning your garden, step by step

Over the next few weeks I wanted to support your Veg garden planning. Here goes!

  1. Plan your compost needs. Layer 2-3cm of compost onto all your beds. Reflect on your compost year: what did you enjoy about composting, what didn’t go well, and what systems could you put in place for next year? Good compost is the foundation of all your growing. I sometimes also add small amounts of lime (1/2 cup per m2) this time of year.

  2. Think through perennials Put perennials into your beds, or around your veg garden. We have about half of our veg garden space permanently occupied by perennials: asparagus, artichoke, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, wild dagga, comfrey.

  3. Plant up potatoes if you haven’t already Potatoes can be grown most of the year. They grow particularly well if planted in July/Aug, because they form tubers as day length increases.

  4. Remember alliums Garlic, leek, spring onion and onion straddle the winter. What I do this time of year makes a big difference to our overall success, as garlic rust and aphids often show up. I usually use soapy water on aphids and remove leaves. This is about the only time I try to be hands on, as our onion and garlic crop is precious. Spring onion and leeks can be continuously harvested and are easy and quick.

  5. Don’t give up on winter crops too quickly You can start to plant spring crops indoors and in beds without removing winter crops. Intercropping stabilises the soil and allows you to keep harvesting as the spring crop grows.

  6. Start tomatoes indoors. Tomatoes can handle cold! Getting their root system established early means a lot less watering in the summer.

Remembering and reflecting on last year’s season.
Kids complained about all-zucchini diet.

Workshop season is here!

Humanure composting Saturday, 17 August, 10-1130 R200

If you've ever wondered how to compost human waste safely, this workshop is for you. We've been exclusively using a composting toilet for nine years.

Growing Summer veg Sunday, 25th August 10-11:30 R250

A few people have requested more support in veg growing. This workshop is to help set you up for a great summer growing season. I'll show you our approach, limitations, and growing plans, and walk you through common challenges.

Raising quail and ducks Saturday, 31 August 10-11:30 R200

Have you ever considered raising quail or ducks instead of chickens? By providing an overview of quail and duck's needs, I hope to help you decide whether quail or ducks might suit your context. We'll cover health and feeding requirements, space needs and preferences, and much more.

Raising dairy goats Saturday 14 September 10-1130

I wish more people knew about the possibility of raising dairy goats, even in the suburbs! Still, there were a few important things that we needed to get right to be good caretakers. I'll cover goats' social, space, and housing needs, fencing, diet, supplements, breeding and milking... all in 90 minutes! You'll also get to meet our beautiful baby goats.

Growing Summer Veg Part 2 Sunday 22 September 10-11:30

While the first summer veg workshop was to get you prepped, the second part will look at how things are growing, check what we can improve, and make plans for the rest of the season.

Dumpling Mondays, where we use up veg and reflect on what’s in the garden at the beginning of the week.


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