Growing Mondays: Grow one teach one

Teaching is a great way to learn

Hi! I'm Jo, writing from Heart & Soil homestead, a 1-acre homestead in the Far South of Cape Town, South Africa. Every week I share inspiration and education for your growing journey. Thanks so much for reading!

Welcome to Growing Mondays, where I share ideas to help you grow edible and medicinal plants.

To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.

Lao Tzu

Some of the tomato kinds we’ve been harvesting. I think we’ve reached the daily limit of what we can process each day. Growing is only a little bit about the actual growing. Much of becoming a great grower for the long term is actually about figuring out how to build a good life around good food. Not too much, not too little. There’s endless complexity in that process.

Teaching as a way to grow.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share our growing with you this year. Being able to share what I was doing helped me clarify my values and goals.

Giving knowledge to other people helps build our skills, and translate it into different settings, because we are all on slightly different journeys.

As the year ends, I would love your feedback:

  1. Is there someone you helped grow this year? What was most helpful to that person? If not yet, consider reaching out to someone you think might like to hear about your growing. I’m talking about growth very broadly, because growing vegetables is actually about growing as a person and in community.

  1. Is there a way that I helped you grow this year, or a story helped you grow this year? I’d love to know, because often it’s unexpected bits of information or experience that are most helpful.

  2. Is there a way my advice missed the point, misunderstood your growing, or your experience proved different from mine? I’d love to hear about that so that I can keep growing and improving.

The purpose of knowledge is to be shared. What’s the point of knowing something if it doesn’t positively impact anyone, not even yourself? Learning shouldn’t be about hoarding stockpiles of knowledge like gold coins. Knowledge is the only resource that gets better and more valuable the more it multiplies

Tiago Forte

After 9.5 years I finally want to teach about food forests in 2025

Growing Vegetables in Cape Town

Very specific advice from our experience growing, if you’re looking for last minute gifts.

Gotta keep up with the gem squashes or they’ll start taking over.

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