Growing Monday's

Presence and curiosity

Hi! I'm Jo, writing from Heart & Soil homestead, a 1-acre homestead in the Far South of Cape Town, South Africa. Every week I share inspiration and education for your growing journey. Thanks so much for reading!

Welcome to Growing Mondays, where I share ideas to help you grow edible and medicinal plants.

The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something and tell what it saw in a plain way… To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion- all in one.

John Ruskin

Harvesting asparagus, broccoli and spinach. Spring, winter and autumn.

Take your time (and always water in the morning)

Clarity emerges when I watch my vegetables grow. I can see, in the lives of my vegetables, where my attention span is too short, where I am too greedy, or when I have been lazy. I start to recognise my patterns in quite a safe way.

Looking, again and again, at our garden allows us to see our lives with unique depth. We are participating in our own growth and health. We are part of a cycle. It is not about being good at it, about competition, or about success. It is just a process of looking, and looking again.

In the looking, practical things emerge. Like: always water in the morning, at least here, in this micro-climate, in this moment in history. To fuel daytime growth with the sun, and also to avoid damp conditions through the night, which can result in fungal diseases.

Interplant smaller quick veg with your summer veg. I space my tomatoes, brinjal and peppers about 40cm apart, and have 3-5 lettuce, rocket or basil in between them. I get several harvests of the lettuce, rocket and basil before the tomatoes. start bearing, and I get a longer season of green veg because when the weather gets hot, they start to be shaded by the brinjals and peppers.

Gobble King insists he’s related to growing somehow.

Upcoming workshops

Raising Dairy Goats 14 Sept 10-11:30 R200

Summer growing part 2 3 Nov 10-11:30 R250


or to participate.