Growing Mondays: Recognising your superpowers

Hi! I'm Jo, writing from Heart & Soil homestead, a 1-acre homestead in the Far South of Cape Town, South Africa. Every week I share inspiration and education for your growing journey. Thanks so much for reading!

Welcome to Growing Mondays, where I share ideas to help you grow edible and medicinal plants.

The truest superpowers are the ones we all possess: willpower, integrity, and most importantly, courage

Jason Reynolds

Recognise and amplify your superpowers

Someone said recently that the only thing that they could grow was swisschard. Another person mentioned that they couldn't grow much, but they harvested a lot of wild greens. 

These are superpowers!

And you can amplify them. For example, if you grow swisschard very well, you can change the world. Imagine if everyone on your street ate spinach every day. Or even every day for a week. Even a day. It would have such a positive impact. If you sold some swisschard, maybe it would pay for all your seedlings, and your superpowers would expand to other veg with very low financial risk. 

I'm pretty good at thinking about long-term connections, and planning ahead to make the big picture work. So over the next few weeks I'm going to share planning tips as we prepare for Spring, and how I plan for planting, harvesting, and eating. 

EBook update!

If you bought our How to Grow Veg ebook previously, please look out for an email this morning. Eugene and I have updated it to fix some typos and reorganise the vegetable list so it's in alphabetical order.

The nice thing about an ebook is free updates. We aim to keep improving it, once a year.


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